Elyse Dufour (Walking Dead), Steve Coulter (Watchmen), Michael Shenefelt
Tyler Falbo (Bill Burr's Immoral Compass)
A dark comedy based by true events, Postal reimagines the love-fueled meltdown of Philip Tress, a Jacksonville millennial, whose local media described as “unable to break from a psychotic, unrequited love affair.” After years of keeping his feelings to himself, Phil (Michael Shenefelt) has boldly decided to approach his childhood crush, Brittany (Elyse DuFour), with an elaborate marriage proposal. The biggest of many problems is that the engagement ring being shipped to him has yet to arrive before his flight to see her in her wedding. Postal recreates Phil’s epic breakdown as documented by multiple recordings to the shipping company. The film brings us into the heart and mind of Phillip Tress on the day of his downward spiral from a hopeless romantic to a bloodied, beleaguered man at war with corporate bureaucracy.